Do’s and Don’ts

Our commitment to excellent service and a smooth loan closing comes with some important things you need to know!

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No Changes to Your Finances

Don’t open new accounts, pay off accounts, change jobs, or move! You want to keep things steady. If anything changes, reach out to your loan officer!

Don’t make any big purchases

Spending a lot of money right now is not a good idea! This includes, furniture, cars, even home improvement projects.

Fast-track-get verified
Fast-track-get verified

Don’t make any big purchases

Spending a lot of money right now is not a good idea! This includes, furniture, cars, even home improvement projects.

Fast-track-You’re Approved!

Need medical attention?

Go see a doctor, but do not finance any elective medical procedures.

Keep your finances the same

Keep making normal payments. Keep your credit current and pay your bills normally.

Fast-track-Find Your Dream Home!
Fast-track-Find Your Dream Home!

Keep your finances the same

Keep making normal payments. Keep your credit current and pay your bills normally.

Fast-track-You’re Approved!

Keep things the same!

You want to keep things as they are! Keep working at your current employer, stay at your current home, and keep the same insurance.

To learn more, watch our Do’s and Don’ts video above!

Website Developed by Ryan McBride